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Company details
Bernasconi Rolfing
Petra Bernasconi
Chamerstrasse 12C
CH-6300 Zug
+41 (0)76 761 45 82
UID: CHE-267.897.879 VAT
ZSR: W414563
Texts Petra Bernasconi
Home and Modalities -> right column: Private
Rolfing -> right column: Pixabay
All other photos right column:
Start -> Photo left column below: European Rolfing® Association Munich
Start -> Photos middle and right columns below: Private
about me: Private
Practice: Private
Rolfing: European Rolfing® Association Munich
Favicon and Logos
Favicon: Private
Logo top left: Private
The terms Rolfing® and Rolfer® as well as the "Little-Boy-Logo" are registered service marks of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute, Boulder, Colorado (USA).
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